
Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

Hey everyone! Yeah, I know it's been a while, but school has been tough, so I haven't found much time to work on this. Thus, I've decided to release the game in alpha 2 and the project files for free, for anyone to use and play with. I've done quite a lot of scripting so really all that needs to be done is to build some levels and add all the shiny stuff like sound, textures, etc. Unfortunately I don't really have time to finish it, I could if I had a bigger team. It's a unique concept and I'm sure someone will enjoy or make use of it. So Merry Christmas! :D

Download build for Windows:

Download build for Mac:

Download project files:

Creative Commons License
Diasity by Chris Coppoletti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

EXTRA PRESENT!! Free 3D model viewer:

PLUS! 3D sculpt timelapse video:

AND a turntable of a REALLY crazy model I've been working on:

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Status Update

Here's a quick video just to update people on how the projects coming, if any of you were wondering why it's taking longer than usual.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Off to Florida!

Well, it is summer vacation after all, but don't worry I'm still working on game mechanics even while down there, expect me back in a little over a week from now.

In the meantime, here's a few things I did:

The schedule, or plan for what to have done by different versions, all the way to final release (this is what Notch should have done when he started :P would have made things much faster).

And I drew up a design of a main menu mechanism for the alpha/beta versions:

Hopefully the sand in my toes, sun on my face, and the looming threat of destruction via hurricane will spark some inspiration, after all necessity is the mother of invention.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Alpha Build v0.1 Released

I've gotten some time to finally make a primitive level to test basic player controls and interactions. I haven't done anything fancy yet (no level rotation), but hopefully this'll keep you held over until I come back from Florida in a little over a week. Of course, I'll probably be designing game mechanics while there, but I had to give you guys something to do.

So now, without any further ado. Here's the first alpha release, v0.1.

You'll need the password to download this file, as I have made the alpha testing private. (I've emailed testers the password)

Remember to email me with any bugs you run into, or if you have any suggestions as far as game or gameplay goes. Play at highest resolution and graphical quality, and report if it is at all laggy. (and remember to try and include computer specs within the bug reports, if the issue is technical and not related with the gameplay)

Have fun!

Mac OS X Universal Version:

File size is quite small for now, as you may note and the play has been limited to simple platforming, much of the planned features are absent at the moment, but will be implemented later on.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Concept art and planning

Just starting out planning the game dynamics and controls, though the level design itself will be the hardest, as is with any puzzle based game. 

So first things first, this will be set in a dreamscape type world, like in a nebula, but orbiting stars/planets. This is the only rough I have so far, using it for the background: 
(it may vary with sectors, but this is the starting one)

Then as for the level selection menu, which will probably be implemented later in development, but will have some cool effects and stuff. I plan to use the planets/stars as the mode of transportation via accelerator beams between levels, and may do more with the beams later.

Now for the levels themselves. Initially, for the first few levels, the player will be introduced to basics of controls and such, then the rotational aspect will come into play. (btw, this'll be first person view). I've only planed to do entire level rotations on one axis, that being z, along the length of the level, for the sake of simplicity (for now). 90/180 rotations should keep it rather linear, and only require three buttons to control. Hopefully this isn't too complicated for you guys, but will let you have the most options when it comes to navigating levels in the least time possible (did I mention there is a parkour/super meat boy aspect to it?) So here's a few look at what the levels will look like, somewhat (very rough):

So I know what you're asking, what do the characters look like? Well, since this will first be available free online, I went for a rather simplistic style, both for graphics and for ease of rigging/animation. This concept is for the first person you meet, and not the player itself. She follows the simplistic/block/floaty design of the rest of the game, this is only a sketch though, will later refine this a bit.

This is all I have for now, ask/comment/email me if you've got any questions, suggestions or ideas. Alpha builds will be available once I get around to configuring initial controls in Unity 3D.

Hello World!

So, this is where all the fun stuff happens, and where you guys get to see the latest updates to my ongoing game project: Diasity. Sorry if the blog looks a bit basic at the moment, I'll get some shweet concept art up for you all sometime. 

Currently I have 6 slots open for beta testing, if you, or anyone you know would like to sign up (you'll have to play the crap out of it), just contact me at

Have some funs: random lulz cat for your enjoyment :P